Gene RATNO19052 (F7F8V1)

E Rattus norvegicus | Amino acid transporter | Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter, A [Slc1a5]

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General Information

Descriptionsolute carrier family 1 member 5 [Source:RGD Symbol;Acc:708512]; transcript_id=ENSRNOT00000021455.7
Organism RATNO - Rattus norvegicus
Locus[1]: 77457240 ... 77470422
Number of exons8
Exonsjoin(77457240..77457805, 77460913..77460961, 77461942..77461986, 77463608..77463765, 77467217..77467450, 77468336..77468530, 77468607..77468741, 77470185..77470422)

IDs and Cross-references

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