E Xenopus tropicalis | Polycomb group RING finger protein 1 [pcgf1]

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General Information

Descriptionpolycomb group ring finger 1; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: BestRefSeq.; polycomb group RING finger protein 1; The RefSeq protein aligns at 55% coverage compared to this genomic sequence; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: BestRefSeq.
Organism XENTR - Xenopus tropicalis
Locus[ Scaffold NC_030684 ]: 147236033 ... 147239558
Number of exons6
Exonsjoin(complement(147239484..147239558), complement(147239277..147239385), complement(147238496..147238529), complement(147236322..147236408), complement(147236168..147236248), complement(147236033..147236080))

IDs and Cross-references

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