Gene XENTR21531 (A0A8J1JD76)

E Xenopus tropicalis | Actin-related protein 8 [actr8]

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General Information

DescriptionARP8 actin related protein 8 homolog; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: BestRefSeq,Gnomon.; actin-related protein 8 isoform X1
Organism XENTR - Xenopus tropicalis
Locus[ Scaffold NC_030680 ]: 150461440 ... 150473481
Number of exons12
Exonsjoin(150461440..150461577, 150461790..150461960, 150462702..150462812, 150464229..150464333, 150464770..150464943, 150465091..150465184, 150466287..150466419, 150468233..150468569, 150468779..150468919, 150470506..150470761, 150470958..150471121, 150473338..150473481)

IDs and Cross-references

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