Gene VICPA00263 (ENSVPAG00000011957)

E Vicugna pacos

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General Information

DescriptionATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 70kDa, V1 subunit A [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:851]
Organism VICPA - Vicugna pacos
Locus[ Scaffold GeneScaffold_3554 ]: 904115 ... 934783
Number of exons18
Exonsjoin(904115..904196, 906828..906956, 909227..909441, 909723..909860, 911072..911223, 920285..920447, 920810..920918, 924955..925077, 925172..925286, 925868..925931, 927281..927388, 927390..927411, 927413..927440, 927513..927558, 930609..930703, 932963..933011, 933013..933135, 934691..934783)

IDs and Cross-references

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