Gene URSAM21084 (A0A452QIH7)

E Ursus americanus | Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 [FLT4]

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General Information

Organism URSAM - Ursus americanus
Locus[ Scaffold LZNR01009681.1 ]: 81535 ... 112213
Number of exons31
Exonsjoin(81535..81545, 86499..86624, 87235..87479, 87644..87756, 87879..88041, 88249..88388, 88722..88890, 89169..89286, 92264..92418, 92508..92670, 94028..94151, 95227..95335, 95769..96131, 97281..97427, 97526..97657, 97835..97941, 98240..98375, 98821..98925, 99269..99382, 99555..99643, 99779..99929, 100433..100527, 100898..101020, 102141..102252, 103584..103683, 104971..105076, 105654..105802, 106470..106590, 107609..107684, 107727..107742, 112015..112213)

IDs and Cross-references

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