Gene TURTR08393 (ENSTTRG00000007720)

E Tursiops truncatus

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General Information

Descriptionsema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3F [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:10728]
Organism TURTR - Tursiops truncatus
Locus[ Scaffold GeneScaffold_11 ]: 185228 ... 210341
Number of exons19
Exonsjoin(185228..185339, 200441..200478, 200481..200600, 200696..200758, 200881..201000, 201686..201778, 203327..203420, 204820..204939, 205155..205294, 205414..205528, 205687..205756, 205921..206065, 206913..207135, 207774..207862, 207995..208036, 208220..208377, 208568..208635, 208918..209051, 209931..210341)

IDs and Cross-references