E Strigops habroptila | GTPase activating protein and VPS9 domains 1 [GAPVD1]
Description | GTPase activating protein and VPS9 domains 1 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:115617151]; transcript_id=ENSSHBT00005018953.1 |
Organism | STRHB - Strigops habroptila |
Locus | [ Chromosome 18 ]: 3398577 ... 3419402 |
Number of exons | 26 |
Exons | join(3398577..3398761, 3399172..3400015, 3400907..3400993, 3401989..3402123, 3402233..3402422, 3403314..3403394, 3404187..3404347, 3405211..3405340, 3406241..3406366, 3407124..3407297, 3407604..3407744, 3408351..3408485, 3409054..3409173, 3409651..3409728, 3409852..3410225, 3410753..3410840, 3411930..3412010, 3412663..3412785, 3413263..3413392, 3413818..3413927, 3414423..3414582, 3415062..3415249, 3416631..3416844, 3417404..3417476, 3418348..3418545, 3419262..3419402) |