Gene STRHB07024 (A0A672U840)

E Strigops habroptila | Glycogen [starch] synthase [GYS1]

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General Information

Descriptionglycogen synthase 1 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:115602918]; transcript_id=ENSSHBT00005011775.1
Organism STRHB - Strigops habroptila
Locus[ Scaffold RXXE01000015.1 ]: 9221 ... 21284
Number of exons16
Exonsjoin(9221..9338, 10385..10566, 12637..12828, 13617..13802, 14786..14930, 15808..15925, 17116..17236, 17706..17812, 18187..18246, 18362..18440, 18536..18649, 18934..19060, 19152..19247, 20145..20308, 20401..20481, 21108..21284)

IDs and Cross-references

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