Gene STRHB06882 (A0A672UK70)

E Strigops habroptila | Alpha-mannosidase [MAN2B1]

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General Information

Descriptionmannosidase alpha class 2B member 1 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:115603569]; transcript_id=ENSSHBT00005018250.1
Organism STRHB - Strigops habroptila
Locus[ Scaffold RXXE01000095.1 ]: 89936 ... 99437
Number of exons23
Exonsjoin(89936..90071, 91904..92077, 93275..93468, 93597..93729, 95183..95325, 95421..95537, 95620..95702, 95786..95906, 96352..96430, 96503..96612, 96806..96913, 96987..97103, 97177..97371, 97513..97610, 97679..97802, 97884..98002, 98083..98184, 98260..98347, 98430..98510, 98592..98828, 98901..99050, 99140..99242, 99316..99437)

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