Gene SHEEP15972 (W5NR40)

E Ovis aries | Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 [FLT4]

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General Information

Descriptionfms-related tyrosine kinase 4 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:3767]
Organism SHEEP - Ovis aries
Locus[ Chromosome 5 ]: 277541 ... 303011
Number of exons30
Exonsjoin(277541..277638, 278295..278494, 278597..278709, 278834..278996, 279196..279335, 279607..279775, 280071..280188, 282707..282836, 282911..283098, 284601..284727, 285870..285978, 286959..287131, 287134..287245, 287525..287671, 287770..287901, 288059..288165, 288443..288578, 289051..289155, 289710..289823, 289991..290079, 290200..290350, 291033..291127, 291465..291587, 292825..292936, 294093..294183, 294514..294631, 295229..295380, 296408..296528, 297590..297675, 302819..303011)

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