Gene SALTR22470 (A0A674AIX3)

E Salmo trutta | Elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein [LOC115200413]

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General Information

Descriptionelongation of very long chain fatty acids protein 7- like [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:115200413]; transcript_id=ENSSTUT00000061161.1
Organism SALTR - Salmo trutta
Locus[ Chromosome 9 ]: 32354976 ... 32360262
Number of exons7
Exonsjoin(32354976..32355039, 32355624..32355814, 32358541..32358621, 32359094..32359150, 32359345..32359450, 32359684..32359820, 32359987..32360262)

IDs and Cross-references

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