Gene SALSA95330 (A0A1S3NJD4)

E Salmo salar | Prostaglandin G/H synthase 1 isoform X1 [pgh1]

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General Information

DescriptionProstaglandin G/H synthase 1 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:100195345]; transcript_id=ENSSSAT00000016951.1
Organism SALSA - Salmo salar
Locus[ Chromosome ssa20 ]: 17064774 ... 17085870
Number of exons12
Exonsjoin(17064774..17064861, 17064971..17065060, 17066635..17066751, 17067198..17067338, 17070751..17070894, 17071039..17071220, 17076474..17076557, 17081510..17081756, 17082299..17082585, 17084592..17084739, 17085355..17085700, 17085867..17085870)

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