Gene RHIFE14957 (A0A671EX16)

E Rhinolophus ferrumequinum | Heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 4 like [HSPA4L]

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General Information

Descriptionheat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 4 like [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17041]; transcript_id=ENSRFET00010016200.1
Organism RHIFE - Rhinolophus ferrumequinum
Locus[ Chromosome 18 ]: 8551116 ... 8592720
Number of exons19
Exonsjoin(8551116..8551222, 8557671..8557728, 8559294..8559434, 8561907..8562029, 8565223..8565322, 8565593..8565726, 8567644..8567888, 8568014..8568090, 8568757..8568908, 8569371..8569477, 8571845..8571978, 8573582..8573781, 8576711..8576809, 8578489..8578626, 8581121..8581246, 8581539..8581646, 8583467..8583586, 8589815..8589976, 8592532..8592720)

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