Gene RATNO39215 (EMC2_RAT)

E Rattus norvegicus | ER membrane protein complex subunit 2 [Emc2]

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General Information

DescriptionER membrane protein complex subunit 2 [Source:RGD Symbol;Acc:1310430]; transcript_id=ENSRNOT00000115694.1
Organism RATNO - Rattus norvegicus
Locus[ Chromosome 7 ]: 74587220 ... 74623883
Number of exons11
Exonsjoin(74587220..74587259, 74593803..74593916, 74596436..74596500, 74596874..74596959, 74600565..74600622, 74610326..74610411, 74610540..74610599, 74613521..74613602, 74614413..74614523, 74616647..74616751, 74623797..74623883)

IDs and Cross-references

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