Gene RATNO19756 (A6JHD8)

E Rattus norvegicus | Copper homeostasis protein cutC homolog | CutC copper transporter homolog (E.coli) (Predicte [Cutc] [Cutc_predicted]

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General Information

DescriptioncutC copper transporter [Source:RGD Symbol;Acc:1304966]; transcript_id=ENSRNOT00000023396.7
Organism RATNO - Rattus norvegicus
Locus[ Chromosome 1 ]: 242622429 ... 242636699
Number of exons9
Exonsjoin(242622429..242622486, 242624788..242624859, 242627194..242627253, 242628122..242628331, 242628992..242629027, 242631582..242631697, 242633270..242633297, 242635624..242635729, 242636585..242636699)

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