Gene RATNO14574 (F1LN08)

E Rattus norvegicus | Zinc finger protein (C2H2 type) 276 [Zfp276]

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General Information

Descriptionzinc finger protein (C2H2 type) 276 [Source:RGD Symbol;Acc:1307469]; transcript_id=ENSRNOT00000022324.7
Organism RATNO - Rattus norvegicus
Locus[ Chromosome 19 ]: 51291191 ... 51303857
Number of exons11
Exonsjoin(51291191..51291395, 51292181..51292484, 51292763..51292809, 51292898..51293338, 51294652..51294730, 51295762..51295845, 51300737..51300847, 51300916..51300991, 51301287..51301404, 51303422..51303521, 51303593..51303857)

IDs and Cross-references

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