Gene RATNO06565 (A0A8I6GCS0)

E Rattus norvegicus | G patch domain containing 2 | RCG20314, isoform CRA_b [Gpatch2]

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General Information

DescriptionG patch domain containing 2 [Source:RGD Symbol;Acc:1308865]; transcript_id=ENSRNOT00000119086.1
Organism RATNO - Rattus norvegicus
Locus[ Chromosome 13 ]: 98785095 ... 98922300
Number of exons8
Exonsjoin(98785095..98785153, 98794112..98794822, 98799588..98799649, 98801710..98801892, 98802292..98802371, 98876983..98877050, 98915712..98915806, 98922080..98922300)

IDs and Cross-references

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