Gene PTEVA15353 (ENSPVAG00000011397)

E Pteropus vampyrus

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General Information

Descriptionsperm antigen with calponin homology and coiled-coil domains 1-like [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:29022]
Organism PTEVA - Pteropus vampyrus
Locus[ Scaffold scaffold_33 ]: 285910 ... 374604
Number of exons17
Exonsjoin(285910..286062, 295177..295330, 299425..301058, 302279..302282, 302288..302433, 302456..302513, 310147..310220, 311512..311687, 315071..315234, 319174..319265, 323585..323675, 335943..336026, 338345..338501, 341715..341817, 371029..371145, 372627..372686, 374515..374604)

IDs and Cross-references

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