Gene PTEVA06927 (ENSPVAG00000010773)

E Pteropus vampyrus

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General Information

Descriptionnucleoporin 93kDa [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:28958]
Organism PTEVA - Pteropus vampyrus
Locus[ Scaffold GeneScaffold_698 ]: 20277 ... 96344
Number of exons21
Exonsjoin(20277..20455, 27399..27516, 62324..62386, 67731..67859, 76809..76883, 78903..78992, 80469..80608, 83149..83281, 84734..84891, 85861..86026, 86281..86374, 87116..87307, 87878..88004, 88222..88294, 88577..88621, 90127..90243, 90971..91089, 91677..91794, 92223..92306, 93661..93789, 96234..96344)

IDs and Cross-references

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