Gene PTEVA05814 (ENSPVAG00000003514)

E Pteropus vampyrus

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General Information

Descriptionsema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4D [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:10732]
Organism PTEVA - Pteropus vampyrus
Locus[ Scaffold scaffold_3570 ]: 109467 ... 130076
Number of exons19
Exonsjoin(109467..109469, 109472..109477, 109480..109500, 109503..109568, 111120..111263, 113793..113855, 115550..115648, 117965..118058, 118714..118827, 119389..119540, 120557..120732, 120808..120964, 122041..122263, 123078..123193, 128009..128181, 128277..128320, 129171..129943, 129946..130011, 130014..130076)

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