Gene PSETE26962 (A0A670ZRQ5)

E Pseudonaja textilis | Neutral alpha-glucosidase AB-like [LOC113453200]

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General Information

Descriptionneutral alpha-glucosidase AB-like [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:113453200]; transcript_id=ENSPTXT00000026160.1
Organism PSETE - Pseudonaja textilis
Locus[ Scaffold ULFR01002173.1 ]: 154 ... 13511
Number of exons16
Exonsjoin(154..324, 1341..1494, 2646..2881, 3923..4049, 4905..4984, 5069..5212, 6400..6496, 7025..7126, 7475..7718, 8309..8373, 8890..8966, 10401..10475, 11222..11335, 12298..12410, 12617..12733, 13427..13511)

IDs and Cross-references

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