Gene PONAB15600 (H2P090)

E Pongo abelii | Splicing factor U2AF subunit [U2AF2]

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General Information

DescriptionU2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:23156]; transcript_id=ENSPPYT00000012132.3
Organism PONAB - Pongo abelii
Locus[19]: 54316861 ... 54335336
Number of exons12
Exonsjoin(54316861..54316909, 54320980..54321115, 54321939..54321983, 54322278..54322381, 54322802..54322953, 54324261..54324377, 54325327..54325465, 54329913..54329992, 54330076..54330198, 54330482..54330568, 54330833..54331081, 54335202..54335336)

IDs and Cross-references

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