Gene POEFO06771 (A0A096LQT4)

E Poecilia formosa | sn-1-specific diacylglycerol lipase [DAGLA]

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General Information

Descriptiondiacylglycerol lipase, alpha [Source:ZFIN;Acc:ZDB- GENE-070619-1]
Organism POEFO - Poecilia formosa
Locus[ Scaffold KI519671.1 ]: 822391 ... 835047
Number of exons18
Exonsjoin(822391..822485, 822597..822808, 822915..823016, 823118..823256, 823341..823428, 823899..824033, 824144..824221, 824369..824493, 824838..824988, 828869..828952, 829612..829689, 829910..829990, 830232..830374, 832097..832165, 832243..832315, 832480..832688, 833561..833687, 834505..835047)

IDs and Cross-references

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