Gene PELSI16895 (K7GAY1)

E Pelodiscus sinensis | Activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule [ALCAM]

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General Information

Descriptionactivated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:400]
Organism PELSI - Pelodiscus sinensis
Locus[ Scaffold JH207122.1 ]: 1815113 ... 1857515
Number of exons14
Exonsjoin(1815113..1815166, 1818324..1818543, 1824810..1824874, 1825620..1825707, 1826219..1826401, 1832657..1832784, 1835207..1835336, 1845095..1845207, 1847664..1847799, 1847890..1848020, 1848736..1848868, 1849998..1850036, 1850324..1850441, 1857428..1857515)

IDs and Cross-references

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