Gene PELSI09864 (K7GHR4)

E Pelodiscus sinensis | Hexokinase-2 [HK2]

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General Information

Descriptionhexokinase 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:4923]
Organism PELSI - Pelodiscus sinensis
Locus[ Scaffold JH210447.1 ]: 792467 ... 870128
Number of exons19
Exonsjoin(792467..792517, 822953..823115, 832295..832443, 836642..836761, 840053..840148, 841976..842075, 842661..842844, 844565..844720, 847769..847931, 852870..852940, 853951..854255, 854881..855029, 858610..858729, 860693..860788, 861918..862017, 864101..864284, 865262..865417, 867825..868058, 869984..870128)

IDs and Cross-references

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