Gene PELSI09026 (K7FZQ1)

E Pelodiscus sinensis | RB binding protein 5, histone lysine methyltransfe [RBBP5]

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General Information

Descriptionretinoblastoma binding protein 5 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:9888]
Organism PELSI - Pelodiscus sinensis
Locus[ Scaffold JH211545.1 ]: 490878 ... 507351
Number of exons13
Exonsjoin(490878..490910, 491823..491995, 493241..493381, 493994..494156, 495235..495344, 496092..496211, 496562..496715, 496828..496899, 498242..498359, 500477..500546, 501247..501476, 502550..502744, 507323..507351)

IDs and Cross-references