Gene PAPAN13751 (A0A2I3LZ39)

E Papio anubis | Solute carrier family 35 member B1 [SLC35B1]

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General Information

Descriptionsolute carrier family 35 member B1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:20798]; transcript_id=ENSPANT00000033433.2
Organism PAPAN - Papio anubis
Locus[ Chromosome 17 ]: 43066527 ... 43072893
Number of exons10
Exonsjoin(43066527..43066741, 43067399..43067502, 43068137..43068267, 43068571..43068601, 43069185..43069342, 43070242..43070368, 43071162..43071268, 43071440..43071593, 43071723..43071818, 43072841..43072893)

IDs and Cross-references

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