Gene OTOGA07626 (H0WG68)

E Otolemur garnettii | Semaphorin 4D [SEMA4D]

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General Information

Descriptionsema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4D [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:10732]
Organism OTOGA - Otolemur garnettii
Locus[ Scaffold GL873607.1 ]: 2815733 ... 2843358
Number of exons14
Exonsjoin(2815733..2815862, 2817247..2817392, 2822405..2822467, 2825055..2825153, 2827886..2827979, 2828624..2828737, 2829714..2829865, 2832302..2832474, 2832554..2832710, 2833700..2833922, 2834792..2834907, 2840704..2840876, 2841437..2841480, 2842412..2843358)

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