E Oryza sativa subsp. japonica | SWI/SNF complex subunit SWI3C homolog [SWI3C]

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General Information

DescriptionOs11g0183700 protein; SWIRM domain containing protein, expressed; cDNA clone:J013089J18, full insert sequence [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:Q53KK6]
Organism ORYSJ - Oryza sativa subsp. japonica
Locus[ Chromosome 11 ]: 4220976 ... 4229238
Number of exons9
Exonsjoin(4220976..4221003, 4221077..4221622, 4221698..4222254, 4223918..4224272, 4224393..4224466, 4226567..4226658, 4227102..4227175, 4227282..4227424, 4228753..4229238)

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