Gene ORENI20545 (I3IXN5)

E Oreochromis niloticus | Serine palmitoyltransferase long chain base subuni [sptlc2]

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General Information

Descriptionserine palmitoyltransferase long chain base subunit 2 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:100704591]; transcript_id=ENSONIT00000001374.2
Organism ORENI - Oreochromis niloticus
Locus[ Chromosome LG15 ]: 2853726 ... 2869935
Number of exons12
Exonsjoin(2853726..2853869, 2857800..2857994, 2858244..2858398, 2860049..2860197, 2860656..2860780, 2862053..2862146, 2862743..2862848, 2864561..2864780, 2865141..2865267, 2868189..2868324, 2868485..2868614, 2869822..2869935)

IDs and Cross-references

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