E Nomascus leucogenys | SEL1L adaptor subunit of ERAD E3 ubiquitin ligase [SEL1L]
Description | SEL1L adaptor subunit of ERAD E3 ubiquitin ligase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:10717]; transcript_id=ENSNLET00000021501.3 |
Organism | NOMLE - Nomascus leucogenys |
Locus | [ Chromosome 22a ]: 24673141 ... 24734037 |
Number of exons | 21 |
Exons | join(24673141..24673210, 24679099..24679136, 24679855..24680086, 24704180..24704347, 24706067..24706172, 24707523..24707685, 24710743..24710796, 24710887..24710946, 24712227..24712308, 24712671..24712825, 24715554..24715610, 24718473..24718541, 24720561..24720638, 24721698..24721760, 24723067..24723154, 24723474..24723622, 24724549..24724714, 24725260..24725334, 24726606..24726778, 24731257..24731385, 24733828..24734037) |