Gene MUSPF19667 (M3YMV2)

E Mustela putorius furo | SH3 and PX domains 2B [SH3PXD2B]

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General Information

DescriptionSH3 and PX domains 2B [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:2442062]
Organism MUSPF - Mustela putorius furo
Locus[ Scaffold GL896898.1 ]: 8681813 ... 8777678
Number of exons14
Exonsjoin(8681813..8681887, 8712869..8712949, 8723530..8723605, 8729774..8729850, 8740836..8740927, 8744882..8744907, 8752913..8753047, 8758588..8758692, 8760210..8760293, 8762862..8762979, 8765737..8765963, 8767865..8767914, 8768800..8768925, 8776134..8777678)

IDs and Cross-references

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