Gene MUSPF12719 (M3YKF2)

E Mustela putorius furo | Dynein light intermediate chain [DYNC1LI1]

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General Information

Descriptiondynein cytoplasmic 1 light intermediate chain 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:2135610]
Organism MUSPF - Mustela putorius furo
Locus[ Scaffold GL896941.1 ]: 2620305 ... 2661282
Number of exons13
Exonsjoin(2620305..2620450, 2620634..2620707, 2646027..2646143, 2646874..2647104, 2647952..2648121, 2650784..2650877, 2653412..2653547, 2654542..2654653, 2656856..2656915, 2657039..2657083, 2657741..2657861, 2659184..2659339, 2661170..2661282)

IDs and Cross-references

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