Gene MUSPF10973 (M3Z0T2)

E Mustela putorius furo | Lectin, mannose binding 1 like [LMAN1L]

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General Information

Descriptionlectin, mannose-binding, 1 like [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:6632]
Organism MUSPF - Mustela putorius furo
Locus[ Scaffold GL896963.1 ]: 6058555 ... 6070790
Number of exons13
Exonsjoin(6058555..6058867, 6061792..6061946, 6062060..6062167, 6062265..6062323, 6063635..6063734, 6064099..6064219, 6065030..6065085, 6065672..6065804, 6066103..6066254, 6067329..6067396, 6068725..6068848, 6069481..6069608, 6070652..6070790)

IDs and Cross-references

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