Gene MUSPF05655 (M3Y955)

E Mustela putorius furo | EvC ciliary complex subunit 2 [EVC2]

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General Information

DescriptionEllis van Creveld syndrome 2 homolog (human) [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:1915775]
Organism MUSPF - Mustela putorius furo
Locus[ Scaffold GL897053.1 ]: 901182 ... 1018802
Number of exons22
Exonsjoin(901182..901382, 904442..904496, 907142..907308, 908118..908186, 910011..910197, 914668..914777, 919130..919183, 931755..931889, 935333..935472, 960523..960847, 969412..969651, 971824..971999, 974589..974748, 975734..976188, 983386..983590, 985907..986029, 1000265..1000492, 1009150..1009364, 1010854..1010941, 1013422..1013618, 1016561..1016662, 1018532..1018802)

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