Gene MUSPF02999 (M3XY80)

E Mustela putorius furo | Semaphorin 6C [SEMA6C]

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General Information

Descriptionsema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6C [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:1338032]
Organism MUSPF - Mustela putorius furo
Locus[ Scaffold GL897134.1 ]: 1113254 ... 1121730
Number of exons17
Exonsjoin(1113254..1113371, 1114769..1114886, 1115181..1115244, 1115402..1115458, 1115796..1115897, 1116128..1116218, 1116431..1116550, 1116718..1116806, 1117124..1117341, 1117623..1117754, 1118040..1118192, 1118408..1118581, 1118871..1119017, 1119291..1119368, 1119501..1119556, 1119738..1119782, 1120682..1121730)

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