E Mus musculus | CUGBP Elav-like family member 1 [Celf1]

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General Information

DescriptionCUGBP, Elav-like family member 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:1342295]; transcript_id=ENSMUST00000111452.8
Organism MOUSE - Mus musculus
Locus[ Chromosome 2 ]: 90818091 ... 90843710
Number of exons13
Exonsjoin(90818091..90818161, 90828925..90829112, 90831351..90831433, 90831807..90831855, 90833556..90833690, 90834156..90834235, 90835046..90835207, 90836965..90837040, 90838517..90838645, 90839550..90839660, 90840738..90840923, 90843044..90843187, 90843583..90843710)

IDs and Cross-references

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