Gene MOUSE33553 (E9Q0B9)

E Mus musculus | TOX high mobility group box family member 2 [Tox2]

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General Information

DescriptionTOX high mobility group box family member 2 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:3611233]; transcript_id=ENSMUST00000165937.8
Organism MOUSE - Mus musculus
Locus[ Chromosome 2 ]: 163067388 ... 163164930
Number of exons9
Exonsjoin(163067388..163067507, 163089687..163089752, 163117889..163118134, 163156242..163156481, 163157715..163157942, 163161482..163161562, 163162218..163162610, 163163341..163163468, 163164864..163164930)

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