Gene MOUSE15938 (Q80WU2)

E Mus musculus | Rhophilin, Rho GTPase binding protein 1 [Rhpn1]

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General Information

Descriptionrhophilin, Rho GTPase binding protein 1 [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:1098783]; transcript_id=ENSMUST00000149407.8
Organism MOUSE - Mus musculus
Locus[ Chromosome 15 ]: 75576243 ... 75584265
Number of exons11
Exonsjoin(75576243..75576323, 75580020..75580135, 75580838..75580966, 75581086..75581161, 75581863..75581940, 75582304..75582428, 75582515..75582681, 75582837..75583030, 75583403..75583559, 75583640..75583747, 75584141..75584265)

IDs and Cross-references

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