Gene MOUSE06571 (KAP0_MOUSE)

E Mus musculus | cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulat [Prkar1a]

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General Information

Descriptionprotein kinase, cAMP dependent regulatory, type I, alpha [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:104878]; transcript_id=ENSMUST00000106677.8
Organism MOUSE - Mus musculus
Locus[ Chromosome 11 ]: 109544611 ... 109558428
Number of exons10
Exonsjoin(109544611..109544787, 109550825..109550995, 109551861..109551952, 109552114..109552175, 109553102..109553148, 109553775..109553933, 109555585..109555645, 109556691..109556812, 109557470..109557551, 109558256..109558428)

IDs and Cross-references

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