Gene MANLE34366 (A0A2K5YRZ6)

E Mandrillus leucophaeus | Terpene cyclase/mutase family member [LSS]

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General Information

Organism MANLE - Mandrillus leucophaeus
Locus[ Scaffold scaffold_KN977517.1 ]: 602595 ... 637238
Number of exons20
Exonsjoin(602595..602733, 605518..605626, 606279..606400, 608594..608690, 611556..611691, 612284..612392, 612770..612888, 614354..614451, 615116..615143, 617474..617530, 618597..618668, 619894..619944, 620596..620745, 621423..621519, 622352..622457, 632513..632578, 633042..633122, 634653..634823, 636391..636469, 637107..637238)

IDs and Cross-references

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