Gene MACNE36023 (A0A2K6B9F6)

E Macaca nemestrina | Conserved oligomeric Golgi complex subunit 3 [COG3]

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General Information

Organism MACNE - Macaca nemestrina
Locus[ Scaffold scaffold_KQ005309.1 ]: 83040 ... 154645
Number of exons24
Exonsjoin(83040..83048, 83113..83253, 93907..94053, 96669..96730, 97846..98011, 99220..99294, 100358..100450, 101204..101329, 102657..102737, 108576..108619, 109077..109203, 109814..109905, 110995..111134, 113885..114045, 122119..122224, 128780..128904, 131105..131194, 135114..135234, 137736..137824, 137934..138068, 144252..144327, 149353..149480, 150242..150340, 154616..154645)

IDs and Cross-references

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