E Macaca mulatta | ArfGAP with GTPase domain, ankyrin repeat and PH d [AGAP1]
Description | ArfGAP with GTPase domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1 [Source:VGNC Symbol;Acc:VGNC:84206]; transcript_id=ENSMMUT00000093715.1 |
Organism | MACMU - Macaca mulatta |
Locus | [ Chromosome 12 ]: 123084423 ... 123546451 |
Number of exons | 20 |
Exons | join(123084423..123085380, 123120097..123120155, 123128707..123128794, 123129538..123129549, 123155162..123155247, 123158496..123158637, 123164115..123164249, 123210571..123210698, 123212176..123212331, 123219498..123219590, 123300400..123300504, 123327347..123327515, 123349787..123349945, 123386514..123386675, 123433680..123433754, 123456266..123456420, 123460436..123460526, 123469064..123469286, 123541947..123542202, 123546248..123546451) |