Gene LATCH20118 (H3BEW4)

E Latimeria chalumnae | Rac GTPase activating protein 1 [RACGAP1]

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General Information

DescriptionRac GTPase activating protein 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:9804]
Organism LATCH - Latimeria chalumnae
Locus[ Scaffold JH126563.1 ]: 2548669 ... 2563097
Number of exons16
Exonsjoin(2548669..2548753, 2549322..2549524, 2550176..2550315, 2551946..2552015, 2552657..2552710, 2552954..2553031, 2554278..2554395, 2554960..2555111, 2556075..2556239, 2557123..2557218, 2558400..2558598, 2559286..2559391, 2559733..2559865, 2560590..2560716, 2561714..2561819, 2563022..2563097)

IDs and Cross-references