Gene HUMAN59180 (A0A5K1VW85)

E Homo sapiens | Cell division cycle 45 [CDC45]

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General Information

Descriptioncell division cycle 45 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:1739]; transcript_id=ENST00000407835.6
Organism HUMAN - Homo sapiens
Locus[ Chromosome 22 ]: 19494345 ... 19518908
Number of exons13
Exonsjoin(19494345..19494382, 19495981..19496029, 19497386..19497447, 19499101..19499151, 19505362..19505481, 19507386..19507517, 19507766..19507864, 19508530..19508691, 19514749..19514887, 19514965..19515048, 19516527..19516645, 19516817..19516893, 19518844..19518908)

IDs and Cross-references

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