Gene HORSE34549 (A0A5F5PMS5)

E Equus caballus | Mucolipin TRP cation channel 3 [MCOLN3]

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General Information

Descriptionmucolipin TRP cation channel 3 [Source:VGNC Symbol;Acc:VGNC:20043]; transcript_id=ENSECAT00000066351.1
Organism HORSE - Equus caballus
Locus[ Chromosome 5 ]: 75696302 ... 75723230
Number of exons12
Exonsjoin(75696302..75696529, 75700294..75700461, 75706216..75706369, 75707781..75707865, 75707945..75708041, 75712758..75712857, 75716135..75716247, 75716331..75716480, 75719580..75719681, 75719790..75719912, 75721060..75721266, 75723096..75723230)

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