Gene HORSE22919 (A0A3Q2KUX3)

E Equus caballus | Phospholipase D family member 4 [PLD4]

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General Information

Descriptionphospholipase D family member 4 [Source:VGNC Symbol;Acc:VGNC:21551]; transcript_id=ENSECAT00000033054.1
Organism HORSE - Equus caballus
Locus[ Chromosome 24 ]: 46664205 ... 46672265
Number of exons11
Exonsjoin(46664205..46664231, 46666698..46666787, 46667185..46667375, 46668209..46668392, 46668598..46668718, 46669263..46669390, 46669963..46670163, 46670936..46671075, 46671172..46671337, 46671418..46671514, 46672063..46672265)

IDs and Cross-references

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