Gene HORSE00999 (F6U3Z2)

E Equus caballus | Amyloid beta like protein 1 [APLP1]

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General Information

Descriptionamyloid beta like protein 1 [Source:VGNC Symbol;Acc:VGNC:15410]; transcript_id=ENSECAT00000022609.3
Organism HORSE - Equus caballus
Locus[ Chromosome 10 ]: 7167242 ... 7175845
Number of exons17
Exonsjoin(7167242..7167388, 7168288..7168431, 7169231..7169363, 7169575..7169687, 7169919..7170052, 7170169..7170350, 7170809..7170939, 7171308..7171382, 7172269..7172427, 7172506..7172634, 7173542..7173641, 7174417..7174524, 7174780..7174806, 7174998..7175068, 7175294..7175356, 7175488..7175631, 7175747..7175845)

IDs and Cross-references