Gene GORGO44266 (G3RCB2)

E Gorilla gorilla gorilla | ATPase H+ transporting accessory protein 1 [ATP6AP1]

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General Information

DescriptionATPase H+ transporting accessory protein 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:868]; transcript_id=ENSGGOT00000013514.3
Organism GORGO - Gorilla gorilla gorilla
Locus[ Chromosome X ]: 154727925 ... 154739265
Number of exons10
Exonsjoin(154727925..154727991, 154732410..154732558, 154735203..154735277, 154735640..154735833, 154736305..154736345, 154737009..154737094, 154737582..154737820, 154738513..154738560, 154738648..154738879, 154739056..154739265)

IDs and Cross-references

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