Gene GORGO11059 (G3QR25)

E Gorilla gorilla gorilla | THO complex 6 [THOC6]

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General Information

DescriptionTHO complex 6 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:28369]; transcript_id=ENSGGOT00000005189.3
Organism GORGO - Gorilla gorilla gorilla
Locus[ Chromosome 16 ]: 3155379 ... 3158706
Number of exons13
Exonsjoin(3155379..3155417, 3156757..3156872, 3156973..3157037, 3157112..3157215, 3157300..3157337, 3157414..3157462, 3157565..3157636, 3157728..3157830, 3157916..3157965, 3158060..3158122, 3158219..3158329, 3158415..3158549, 3158626..3158706)

IDs and Cross-references

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